UN Secretary General must lead the international response to the coup

Join activists in Burma and sign this petition demanding António Guterres, the UN Secretary General, personally lead UN efforts to respond to the coup and Covid crisis in Burma.

To António Guterres, United Nations Secretary General

We the undersigned support the request made to you by hundreds of civil society organisations in Burma/Myanmar to personally lead the United Nations response to the Covid pandemic, and to persuade the military to end all hostilities against the population of Burma/Myanmar.

Since the coup, thousands have been killed, 12,000 arrested and more than 400,000 forced to flee their homes. The military is reporting to ever greater violence and atrocities as its desperately tries to consolidated the attempted coup.

We call on you to use your office to ensure that urgent humanitarian assistance is provided independently of the military, and that the military abide by UN Security Council Resolution 2532 which called for immediate ceasefires to enable an effective response to the pandemic.

A copy of the letter to António Guterres, UN Secretary General, from 443 civil society organisations is available here.

Sign the petition now!

  • Harley H 20.10.2024 22:47
  • Liz J 02.09.2024 12:06
  • Giuseppe M 26.08.2024 07:00
  • Lucy W 20.08.2024 18:08