Tata Make Tetley Tea - and equipment for Burma’s military

Tata is a huge Indian company. In the UK they are best known for the Tetley tea brand, owning Jaguar and Land Rover, and investments in the steel industry.


Tata also manufactures military equipment and sells it to the Burmese military.


Burma’s military are one of the most brutal in the world. They rape and kill children. They torture and execute civilians. The United Nations has said they should be prosecuted for genocide, and that doing business with the military is indefensible.


Tata supplies troop carriers to the Burmese military. They also supply the luxury SUVs that the top generals like travelling around in.


Email Tata now telling them to stop supplying equipment to Burma’s military.

  • GB Michael G 23.02.2025 11:53
  • GB Erika A 24.01.2025 09:38
  • KR Kim D 14.12.2024 08:53